My dream of desert dreaming

Alice Springs is a multi-culture city. Not long ago, we watched a heart-warming performance called Desert Dreaming, a choral and multi-arts fantasia, in Araluen Arts Center. The songs and performance reflect the dramatic weather and current residences / traveler’s emotions of exploring new places and nostalgia.  After the show, I made this little animation to preserve my feelings and combine imagination. In my imagination, central Australian aboriginal women’s choir sings around some water on the dry riverbed of the Todd River to worship and sing the meaning of water to daily lives. 

愛麗絲泉是個多元文化的小城市。前陣子我們去聽Desert Dreaming,一個結合原住民、社區以及來自墨爾本團體的合唱表演。歌曲很動人,音樂融入了強烈變化的氣候,以及在地人和旅人的旅遊兼想家心情。過後,我畫了這個小動畫,一方面要保留當時的感受,一方面結合想像,想像原住民合唱團在Todd River 乾渴河床的小水灘邊,映著水的倒影,為水歌唱,唱水對生命的意義。 
